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Wen Huei Chou Reorient: Graphic Design History From a Globological Perspective

110學年度第1學期 教師著作目錄管理系統

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  1. Chou, W.-H.; Ko, Y.-L.; Huang, X.-Y., 2021, Design of Occupational Therapy Interventions for Middle Aged and Elderly Family Caregivers., Healthcare, Vol.9, No.271, pp.1-14. (SSCI, SCIE)(應用於中高齡家庭照護者之職能治療介入活動互動設計研究, 108-2410-H-224 -015)
  2. Yang, Shuo Yu, Chou, Wen Huei, and Chen, Han-Xing, 2020, Development of the Automated Tool to Perform Analysis and Visualization of User Reviews, International Journal of Arts and Technology, Vol.12, No.3, Pp. 218-237. (EI)
  3. 周玟慧, 2020, Exploratory Design Research for the Blind and Visually Impaired Visitor in Exhibitions Pp. 395-417 (A&HCI, & Scopus), The Design Journal, Vol.23, No.3, 395-417. (AHCI)
  4. Cheng, H. H., & Chou, W. H., 2019, A Curricular Case Study: Constructing the Essential Factors in "Social Design" Teaching,, International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol.9, No.9, pp. 639-644. (EI, AHCI)
  5. Yea, C. C., & Chou, W. H., 2019, Promoting Social Advocacy through Digital Storytelling: The Case of Ocean Acidification., International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol.13, No.3, pp.277-283..
  6. 周玟慧, 洪崇文, 2016, Little Changes of Life: A Design Practice to Motivate Behavioral Change, The International Journal of Design Education, Vol.10, No.3, pp.35-48.
  7. 林建羽, 周玟慧, 2016, 中高齡者使用行動通訊軟體與家庭成員互動感知需求、使用意願及互動內容之探究, 高雄應用科技大學人文與社會科學學刊, 2卷1期 (2016 / 06 / 01), pp. 119 - 134, Vol.2, No.1, pp. 119-134.
  8. 周玟慧, 2015, Investigating the Preferences for Time Banking for Senior Citizens, Bulletin of Japanese Society for the Science of Design, Vol. 61, No. 5, pp. 97-106. (其他)
  9. 周玟慧, 2015, From a disciplinary to an interdisciplinary design research: developing an integrative approach for design, International Journal of Art & Design Education, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 206-223. (SCI, SSCI)
  10. 周玟慧, 2015, Media Mediocracy: Live Archiving as an Intervention in Preserving Cultural Heritage, International Journal of Arts and Technology, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 68-90. (EI, 其他)
  11. 周玟慧, 2015, Divergent and Convergent Thinking Projects in Interdisciplinary Studies, The Online Journal of New Horizons in Education, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp.36-48. (其他)
  12. 周玟慧, 2014, From Gender Stereotyping to Self-Actualization: A Design Research Approach for the Female Character, International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications(JDCTA), Volume8, Number1, pp 81-95 (EI), Vol.8, No.1, pp.81-95. (EI)(從性別刻版印象到自我效能建構: 電子遊戲中的女性角色設計研究)
  13. Lin, Shih-Hsun and Chou, Wen Huei, 2013, Developing a social media system for the Taiwanese elderly by participatory design, Bulletin of Japanese Society for the Science of Design, Vol.60, No.3, pp.39-48. (其他)
  14. Chou, Wen Huei, Yu-Ting Lai, and Kuang-Hsia Liu., 2013, User requirements of social media for the elderly: a case study in Taiwan, Behaviour & Information Technology, Vol.32, No. 9, pp.920-937. (SSCI)
  15. Kuo-Pin Chen, Wen-Huei Chou, 2013, EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCE AND INTERACTIVE DESIGN IN THE WORKPLACE, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.8014, pp.446-454. (EI, 其他)
  16. Chou, Wen Huei, Hung, Chung-Wen, Chang, Teng-wen, Kao, Ya-Ling and Hwang, Chorng-Sii, 2013, Teaching Design Interdisciplinarly, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Journal, Vol. 83, pp.501-505. (其他)
  17. 周玟慧, 2013, Using ZMET to Explore Exchange Experience for Applying in Location-Based Service, Advanced Science Letters, Vol. 4, pp.400-407. (其他)
  18. 周玟慧, 2007, 設計在後現代, 哲學與文化, Vol.34, No.2, pp.77-96.. (其他)
  19. 周玟慧, 2002, 從柏拉圖的洞穴試談數位媒體的造型包袱, 藝術家, Vol.321, pp.247-249. (其他)
  20. 周玟慧, 2001, 現代主義與現代藝術中的現代性, 僑光學報,, Vol.19, pp.81~113. (其他)
  1. Ya-Fang Chen, Wen-Huei Chou and Yi-Chun Li, 2021, Research on The Application of Virtual Reality Intergenerational Games to Traditional Glove Puppetry Culture, Proceedings of the International Conferences on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2021and Game and Entertainment Technologies 2021, 2021/07/21-23, Noroff University College, Norway, Noroff University College(線上), pp. 132-140. (青銀虛擬實境 VR 代間遊戲介入方案研究)
  2. Ching-Chih Hsu and Wen-Huei Chou, 2021, PROTOTYPE DESIGN OF ALLEVIATING CHILDREN'S NIGHTTIME FEARS USING DIGITAL GAME, Proceedings of the International Conferences on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2021and Game and Entertainment Technologies 2021, 2021/07/21-23, Noroff University College, Noroff University College, Norway, Noroff University College(線上), pp.172-179.
  3. Hsin-Yi Huang, Wen-Huei Chou, Mieko Ohsuga and Tsuyoshi Inoue, 2020, Design of Robotic Pets To help the Elderly With Social Interactions, Proceeding of the International Conferences on Interfaces and Human Computer interactions 2020, 2020/07/21-25, Noroff University College, Norway, Croatia, pp.3-10,.
  4. Chen, Han-Xing and Chou, Wen Huei,, 2019, The Curriculum Design of College-museum Project Based Learning on Digital Media Design, The Proceeding of 2019 International Conference for ADADA + CUMULUS, 2019/11/26-28, Management & Science University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia., pp.E.
  5. Hui Hsin Cheng, and Wen Huei Chou, 2019, A Curricular Case Study: Constructing the Essential Factors in "Social Design" Teaching, Proceeding of 2019 Shanghai Conferences: ICDEL 2019 & ICERP 2019, 2019/05/24-27, Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche, Genova, Italy, 上海, pp.E123.
  6. Yi-Hung Tung, Wen Huei Chou, 2016, 2016, A Serious Game Prototype Design for Social Advocacy – Using the Air Pollution of the Six Naphtha in Yunlin as an Example, Open Design for E-very-thing – exploring new design purposes, 2016/11/21-24, Hong Kong Design Institute, Hong Kong, pp.202~215.
  7. Liao, C.R., Chou, W.H., Hung, C.W., 2016, Wearable Sensory Devices for Children in Play Areas, Proceedings of DRS 2016, Design Research Society 50th Anniversary Conference, 2016/06/27-30, Brighton U, Brighton, UK,, pp.3133-3148.
  8. Tseng Yu-Wei, Chou Wen-Huei,, 2016, 2016, A Communication Requirements Research of Children with Severe Cerebral Palsy, 2016 Official Conference Proceedings, Japan, pp. ., The Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities, 2016/04/07-10, The International Academic Forum, Kobe, pp.455- 474.
  9. 周玟慧, 2015, USABILITY RESEARCH OF 3D REMINISCENCE THERAPY ON THE TABLET PC, THE VALUE OF DESIGN RESEARCH,, 11th International European Academy of Design Conference,, 2015/04/22-24, Sorbonne University, Paris, France., pp. 1-11.
  10. 周玟慧, 2014, Service Design Blueprinting for Stray Animals: Concept of Establishing Joint Adoption Platform for Stray Animals, 2014 International Conference on Computer, Intelligent Computing and Education Technology, 2014/03/26-28, International Frontiers of science and technology Research Association, Hong Kong, pp.1007-1010.
  11. Li Hui Lee, Chia Li Lin, Pei En Shu, Wen Huei Chou, 2013, How the Time Banks Help Elderlies in Taiwan Local Community, 6th Annual International Conference on Computer Games, Multimedia and Allied Technology, 2013/04/22-23, Global Science and Technology Forum, Hotel Fort Canning. , Singapore..
  12. Ho, Yu Cheng and Chou, Wen Huei, 2013, RFID Smart Band-Aid for Elders, 6 the Annual International Conference on Computer Games, Multimedia, 2013/04/22-23, Global Science and Technology Forum, Singapore, Hotel Fort Canning.
  13. Wong, Ju-Joan and Chou, Wen Huei, 2013, Exploring the Convergence of Science and Technology Studies (STS) and Design Studies/History, the 10th European Academy of Design Conference - Crafting the Future, 2013/04/17-19, University of Gothenburg, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg.
  14. 3. Chou, Wen Huei; Chang, Teng-wen; Hwang, Chorng-Sii; Hung, Chung-Wen; Shiau, Yeu-Horng; Ko, Ya-Ling, 2013, Persuasive technologies with Gamification: Change the campus with fun, 10th European Academy of Design Conference, 2013/04/17-19, University of Gothenburg, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
  15. 周玟慧, 2011, Collective Emotional of Urban, An emotion sensing installation design project, the 9th International Conference of Asia Digital Art and Design Association, 2011/12/09-10, Asia Digital Art and Design Association, Kitakyushu, Japan, pp.241-242.
  16. 周玟慧, 2011, Practice of Persuasive Technology—a Design of Gamified Shopping Experience, The Proceeding of the 9th International Conference of Asia Digital Art and Design Association, 2011/12/09-10, Asia Digital Art and Design Association, Kitakyushu, Japan, pp.77-79.
  17. 周玟慧, 2011, SIN-NA Doll: An interactive design of emotional in the office, the 9th International Conference of Asia Digital Art and Design Association, 2011/12/09-10, Asia Digital Art and Design Association, Kitakyushu, Japan.
  18. 周玟慧, 2011, The Collaborative and Inspirational Process in Integrated Design, the 9th International Conference of Asia Digital Art and Design Associatio, 2011/12/09-10, Asia Digital Art and Design Association, Kitakyushu, Japan, pp.155-157.
  19. 周玟慧, 2011, Bridging the social media usage gap from old to new: an elderly media interpersonal and social research in Taiwan, HCI International 2011, 2011/07/09-14, Human-Computer Interaction and Information Society Technologies, Orlando, Florida, USA.
  20. 周玟慧, 2011, An empirical research on female stereotyping in video game design, 2011 2nd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, 2011/02/26-28, IEEE, Singapore.
  21. 3. Chou, Wen-Huei, Shih-Hsun Lin, Shih-Nung Chen, Jia Sian Lin, 2010, New Media Mediocracy—A Design History Wikipedia, 2010 2nd International Conference on Information and Multimedia Technology, 2010/12/28-30, IEEE, Hong Kong.
  22. Chou, Wen Huei, Yu Ting Lai, Liu kang Hsia, 2010, Digital Presentation and Representation: An Intervention of Digital Design and Heritage, the 2010 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, 2010/09/11, IEEE, Chengdu, China.
  23. 周玟慧, 2010, Creating a conversational and entertainment context for elderly people through social media, The 12th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, 2010/09/02-03, Design Education Special Interest Group (DESIG) of the Design Society, Trondheim.
  24. 周玟慧, 2010, Decent Digital Social Media for Senior Life: A Practical Design Approach, the 2010 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (IEEE ICCSIT 2010), 2010/07/09-11, IEEE, Chengdu, China.
  25. 周玟慧, 2010, Multimedia design in the implementation of cultural research, Create10: The Create conference,, 2010/06/30-2010/07/02, the Human-Computer Interaction Specialist Group of the Institute of Ergonomics, Edinburgh Napier University, UK..
  26. 周玟慧, 2009, 擴增實境應用於兒童戲劇活動發展之研究, Digimedia--2009 International Conference, 2009/12/01-02, 數位媒體設計學會, 雲林.
  27. 周玟慧, 2009, New Media Mediocracy, Proceeding of Digital Edge-the 2009 International Digital Media and Art Association Conference, 2009/11/05-07, the International Digital Media and Art Association, Indiana, CD-ROM.
  28. 周玟慧, 2009, 多媒體文化影像紀錄實作--2009太平老街文化顯像, Taiwan E-learning Forum TWELF 2009, 2009/09/25-26, 國立臺南大學, 台南.
  1. 周玟慧, 2012, Graphic Design: History in the Writing (1983–2011), ReOrient: Graphic design history from a globological perspective, Occasional Papers, London and New York. (英文, ISBN:978-0-9569623-0-0)
  1. 周玟慧, 2010, New Media Mediocracy—A Design History Wikipedia, 國科會, New Media Mediocracy—A Design History Wikipedia, 97WFD0800097. (執行期間:2009.8-2010-7)

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Wen Huei Chou Reorient: Graphic Design History From a Globological Perspective
