They Can Be Granted Intellectual Liberty Because They Have No Intellect

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1984 Quotes Showing 511-540 of 2,471
"But at any rate, one matter was certain. The
conspiracy that he had dreamed of did exist, and he had
reached the outer edges of it."
― 1984
conspiracy that he had dreamed of did exist, and he had
reached the outer edges of it."
― 1984
"Partly information technology was a sort of hymn to the wisdom and majesty of Large Brother, but still more it was an act of self-hypnosis, a deliberate drowning of consciousness by means of rhythmic noise."
― 1984
― 1984
"For every heretic it burned at the pale, thousands of others rose up. Why was that? Because the Inquisition kills its enemies in the open, and killed them while they were still on repentant; in fact, it killed them considering they were unrepentant. Men were dying because they would not abandon their true beliefs. Naturally all the celebrity along to the victim and all the shame to the Inquisitor who burned him."
― 1984
― 1984
"In this place, he knew instinctively, the lights would never exist turned out. It was the identify with no darkness."
― 1984
― 1984
"Since that time, war had literally been continuous, though strictly speaking information technology had not ever been the aforementioned war."
― 1984
― 1984
"Quien controla el presente controla el pasado y quien controla el pasado controlará el futuro."
― 1984
― 1984
"What is concerned hither is not the morale of the masses, whose attitude is unimportant and then long every bit they are kept steadily at work, simply the morale of the Party itself. Even the humblest Party member is expected to be competent, industrious, and even intelligent within narrow limits, but it is as well necessary that he should be a credulous and ignorant fanatic whose prevailing moods are fear, hatred, applause, and orgiastic triumph. In other words it is necessary that he should take the mentality appropriate to a state of war. Information technology does not matter whether the war is actually happening, and, since no decisive victory is possible, information technology does non matter whether the war is going well or badly. All that is needed is that a land of war should exist."
― 1984
― 1984
"Only I tell y'all, Winston, that reality is not external. Reality exists in the homo heed, and nowhere else.
Any the Party holds
to be the truth, is truth. Information technology is impossible to meet reality except
by looking through the eyes of the Political party."
― 1984
"What opinions the masses agree, or practice non concord, is looked on as a matter of indifference. They can exist granted intellectual liberty because they take no intellect."
― 1984
― 1984
"Lo más característico de la vida moderna no era su crueldad ni su inseguridad, sino sencillamente su vaciedad, su absoluta falta de contenido."
― 1984
― 1984
"And even technological progress only happens when its products can in some manner be used for the diminution of human liberty."
― 1984
― 1984
"Mind, the more men you've had, the more I dearest you lot. Practise you sympathize that?"
"Yes, perfectly."
"I hate purity, I hate goodness. I don't want any virtue to exist anywhere. I want everyone to exist corrupt to the bones."
"Well and then, I ought to suit you, honey. I'm corrupt to the basic."
― 1984
"Yes, perfectly."
"I hate purity, I hate goodness. I don't want any virtue to exist anywhere. I want everyone to exist corrupt to the bones."
"Well and then, I ought to suit you, honey. I'm corrupt to the basic."
― 1984
"I dreamt-' he began, and stopped short. It was too complex to be put into words. In that location was the dream itself, and there was a memory connected with information technology that had swum into his heed in the few seconds afterwards waking."
― 1984
― 1984
"مما لا شك فيه أنه بالإمكان تخيل مجتمع تكون فيه الثروة المتمثلة في حيازة الممتلكات الشخصية والكماليات ، موزعة توزيعاً عادلاً بينما تظل السلطة محصورة في أيدي طبقة قليلة صغيرة العدد تحظى بامتيازات ولكن مجتمعاً مثل هذا المجتمع لا يكتب له أن ينعم بالاستقرار طويلاً على أرض الواقع ، ذلك أنه إذا حظي جميع أفراد المجتمع وعلى السواء بالأمن والرفاه فإن العدد الأكبر من البشر الذين يخدرهم الفقر سيغدون مثقفين وسيتعلمون أن يفكروا لذواتهم وعندما يتم لهم ذلك فإنهم سيفطنون إلى أنه لا فائدة ترجى من الأقلية صاحبة الامتيازات وسيعملون على إزاحتها عن سدة السلطة و بالتالي فإن المجتمع الطبقي لا يمكن أن يستمر إلا مع الفقر و الجهل"
― 1984
― 1984
"How tin I help seeing what is in front of my eyes? Two and 2 are four." "Sometimes, Winston. Sometimes they are five. Sometimes they are three. Sometimes they are all of them at once. You must try harder. Information technology is non easy to become sane."
― 1984
― 1984
"To hang on from day to day and from calendar week to calendar week, spinning out a nowadays that had no future, seemed an unconquerable instinct, just equally ane's lungs volition ever describe the next breath so long as at that place is air available."
― 1984
― 1984
"إنني أفهم كيف، لكن لا أدرك لماذا؟"
― 1984
― 1984
"We are the dead. Our only true life is in the futurity. Nosotros shall take function in it as handfuls of dust and splinters of os."
― 1984
― 1984
"The tank, the submarine, the torpedo, the machine-gun, fifty-fifty the burglarize and the hand grenade are still in utilise."
― 1984
― 1984
"Room 101,' he said."
― 1984
― 1984
"Si quedaba alguna esperanza, debía estar en los proles, porque solo en esas masas despreciadas, que constituían el ochenta y cinco por ciento de la población de Oceanía, podía generarse la fuerza necesaria para destruir al Partipractice. Este no podía derrocarse desde dentro. Sus enemigos, si es que los había, no tenían forma de unirse o siquiera de reconocerse mutuamente. Incluthen en caso de que exisnecktiera la legendaria Herhumandad —lo cual no era del todo imposible— resultaba inconcebible que sus miembros pudieran reunirse en grupos de más de dos o tres. La rebelión se limitaba a un cruce de miradas, una inflexión de la voz o, como mucho, una palabra susurrada ocasionalmente. En cambio los proles, si pudieran ser conscientes de su fuerza, no tendrían necesidad de conspirar. Bastaría con que se encabritaran como un caballo que se sacude las moscas. Si quisieran, podrían volar el Partido en pedazos a la mañana siguiente. Tarde o temprano tenía que ocurrírseles. Y sin embargo…"
― 1984
― 1984
"وفي الوقت نفسه فإن إدراك المرء كونه في حالة حرب ومن ثم تتهدده الأخطار يجعل من تسليم كل السلطات لحفنة صغيرة من الناس أمرا طبيعيا وشرطا محتوما للبقاء على قيد الحياة" 1984
― "El pasado había sido borrado, se había olsixdado que había sido borraexercise y de ese modo la mentira se convertía en verdad"
― 1984
― 1984
"Možda čovjeku nije toliko practise toga da bude voljen,koliko da bude shvaćen."
― 1984
― 1984
"When in that location were no external records that you could refer to, even the outline of your own life lost its sharpness."
― 1984
― 1984
"...inequality was the unalterable law of human life."
― 1984
― 1984
"Il réfléchit qu'il était déjà mort. Il lui apparut que c'était seulement lorsqu'il avait commencé à être capable de formuler ses idées qu'il avait fait le pas décisif. Les conséquences d'un acte sont incluses dans l'acte lui-même. Il écrivit : "Le crime de penser north'entraîne pas la mort. Le criminal offense de penser est la mort."
― 1984
― 1984
"All by oligarchies take fallen from ability either considering they ossified or because they grew soft. Either they became stupid and big-headed, failed to adjust themselves to changing circumstances, and were overthrown; or they became liberal and cowardly, made concessions when they should have used strength, and in one case again were overthrown."
― 1984
― 1984
"Below that are "the proles," numbering perhaps eight-five per cent of the population. In terms of our earlier classification, the proles are the Low, for the slave population of the equatorial lands, who pass constantly from conquistador to conqueror, are non a permanent or necessary part of the structure."
― 1984
― 1984
"State of war, information technology will be seen, is now a purely internal affair. In the past, the ruling groups of all countries, although they might recognize their common involvement and therefore limit the destructiveness of war, did fight against ane another, and the victor always plundered the vanquished. In our ain day they are non fighting confronting one some other at all. The state of war is waged by each ruling group against its ain subjects, and the object of the war is non to make or prevent conquests of territory, only to keep the structure of society intact."
― 1984
― 1984
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